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   RAEX (Expert RA) released its annual "Rating the reputation of the universities on the integrated areas."

   The Agency was tops in such fields as "engineering, science direction and science", "Economics and management", "Math and science", "Information technology", "Technical Sciences, engineering and technology, Humanities and social direction" and "Medicine".

   The ITMO University has improved its position in its core areas: category Information technology it took the fourth position," and in the category of "Technical, natural-science direction and science" — 14th place, up three places compared to last year.The rankings of the reputation of the universities were interviewed more than 60 thousand people. The study took into account the views of respondents about the quality of education, demand for graduates by employers and the level of research activities of universities. Among the respondents — representatives of the academic and scientific community, employers, students and graduates.Only three Russian University was recognized as equally effective in training both technical and economic areas of Moscow state University, St. Petersburg state University and Novosibirsk state University. Most universities have distinguished themselves in some specific profiles.

   So, the ITMO University is consistently in the top five universities world-wide coarsening direction "Information technologies". The University has risen from fifth to fourth place, changing the balance of power in the top 10 universities together with St. Petersburg state University, which has risen one place up from seventh place. According to experts RАЕХ, the rise in ranking has occurred against news about the victories of the programmers St. Petersburg state University and ITMO University in the world championship on programming ACM ICPC. Recall that in this year students, SPbSU got the championship trophy, and the programmers of the ITMO University, the "silver" of Olympiad.

   It proves once again that the participation of the universities in the "high-profile international events enhances their reputation.Overall, the organizers of the rating, the reputation of their institution is extremely sensitive to news around educational institutions. This, for example, due to the dynamic growth position of the ITMO University in the top "Technical, natural-scientific directions and the exact Sciences: during the year the University moved up from 17th place to 14th. The compilers of the rating believe that this influenced not only the improvement of the static indices (resource security, international integration, and so on), but also favorable background information about the University in the media: news about the victories in programming competitions, the high rating of the University Council to increase the competitiveness of leading universities of Russia and other achievements.We will add that in the beginning of 2016 RAEX (Expert RA) became the first in Russia and fourth in the world organization, whose rankings have successfully passed the international audit IREG Observatory.

   Foreign experts confirmed that the methodology of the ranking, the procedure for its preparation and presentation of the results meet the standards of high quality.

   The editors of the news portal of the ITMO University

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