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The right to receive education in the Russian Federation by foreign citizens guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is regulated by the Federal law of 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ (ed. from 02.03.2016) "On education in Russian Federation"
Article 78. This Federal Law determines the procedure for education of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship in the Russian educational institutions
1. Foreign citizens and persons without citizenship (further - foreign citizens) have the right to receive education in the Russian Federation in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and the present Federal law.
2. Foreign citizens have equal rights with citizens of the Russian Federation the rights to pre-school, primary General, basic General and secondary General education and vocational training according to vocational training programmes for the professions of workers, positions of employees within the educational programs of secondary General education in public and free basis.
3. Foreign citizens have the right to receive secondary professional education, higher education and additional professional education at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the Federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local budgets in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation, Federal laws or established by the Government of the Russian Federation of the quota for education of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation (further - quota), and also at the expense of funds of individuals and legal entities in accordance with contracts on rendering of paid educational services.
4. Foreign nationals who are compatriots living abroad, are eligible for secondary vocational education, higher education and additional professional education equally with citizens of the Russian Federation, provided they comply with the requirements of article 17 of the Federal law from 24 may 1999 N 99-FZ "On state policy of the Russian Federation in respect of compatriots abroad".
5. Training of foreign citizens on the basic professional educational programs at the expense of budgetary appropriations of Federal budget within the quota is payment of a specified foreign state academic scholarships or state scholarships graduate students, interns, assistants-interns (during the entire period of training regardless of academic success) and providing them with living quarters in the hostels under the conditions established for citizens of the Russian Federation, trained at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the Federal budget.
(as amended by Federal law from 30.12.2015 N 458-FZ)
(see the text in the previous edition)
6. The order of selection of foreign citizens to study within the quota, as well as requirements established by the Federal body of Executive power performing functions of elaborating state policy and normative-legal regulation in the sphere of education.
7. Foreign nationals coming to study within the quota, have the right to study at the preparatory departments, preparatory departments of Federal state educational institutions for additional education programs that provide training for foreign citizens for the development of professional educational programs in the Russian language, at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the Federal budget with the payment of the specified citizens scholarship (during all period of training regardless of academic success). The procedure and selection criteria for these Federal state educational organizations and the list shall be determined by Federal Executive authority responsible for drafting state policy and legal regulation in the sphere of education.
8. Requirements for the development of additional educational programs that provide training for foreign citizens for the development of professional educational programs in the Russian language, defined by Federal body of Executive power performing functions of elaborating state policy and normative-legal regulation in the sphere of education. a ticket
When enrolling in an educational institution an international student gets a student card:















At the end of the state educational institution an international student receives a state diploma





















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