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The right to citizenship for foreign citizens of the Russian Federation provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is regulated by the Federal law from 31.05.2002 N 62-FZ (as amended on 31.12.2014) "On citizenship of the Russian Federation"
Article 14 of this Federal law determines the procedure of admission to Russian citizenship in a simplified procedure (as amended by Federal law from 11.11.2003 N 151-FZ):
Foreign citizens and persons without citizenship residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, may apply for admission to Russian Federation citizenship in a simplified procedure without observing conditions about the period of residence established by item "a" of part one of article 13 of this Federal law, if the specified citizens and persons:
...... e) received after July 1, 2002 vocational education on the basic professional educational programs having the state accreditation in educational institutions of the Russian Federation on its territory and carry out labor activity in the Russian Federation in total not less than three years from the date of application with a statement about a reception in citizenship of the Russian Federation;
(p. "e" introduced by Federal law of 23.06.2014 N 157-FZ)
....... and) carry out at least three years from the date of application with a statement about a reception in citizenship of the Russian Federation of labour activity in the Russian Federation in the profession (specialty, position) included in the list of professions (specialties, positions) foreign citizens - qualified specialists, having the right of admission to Russian Federation citizenship in a simplified procedure, approved by the Federal Executive body, responsible for drafting and implementing state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of employment and unemployment.
(p. "i" introduced by Federal law of 23.06.2014 N 157-FZ)























The order of the Ministry of labor of Russia from 13.07.2015 446н N "On approving the list of professions (specialties, positions) of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship - qualified professionals eligible for admission to Russian Federation citizenship in a simplified procedure" (Registered in Ministry of justice of Russia 22.07.2015 N 38135)
N p/p the Name of a profession (specialty, position)
1. The midwife 2. Veterinarian 3. Doctor 4. Doctor health center 5. -Doctor cardiorheumatologists 6. Doctor-laboratory assistant 7. The General practitioner (the family) 8. Pediatrician 9. The admitting physician 10. Psychiatrist 11. Medical specialist 12. Physician-statistician 13. Therapist 14. The doctor-the phthisiatrician the district 15. The welder 16. The chief engineer of the project 17. Chief Metallurgist 18. Director of Economics 19. Design engineer 20. Engineer automated production management systems 21. Engineer for implementation of new technology 22. Engineer for oil and gas 23. Engineer on protection of information 24. Quality engineer 25. Engineer for instrumentation and automation 26. Engineer of Metrology 27. Engineer for supervision of construction 28. The engineer on adjustment and tests 29. Engineer on the organization of production management 30. Engineer production planning 31. Welding engineer 32. The engineer 33. Engineer 34. Electrical engineer 35. 36 mathematician. Nurse 37. Nurse operating 38. Nurse procedural 39. Medical laboratory technician 40. The assembler on installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures 41. The assembler of sanitary-engineering systems and equipment 42. The assembler of systems of ventilation, air conditioning, pneumatic and aspiration 43. The assembler of technological pipelines 44. Fitter of process equipment and related structures 45. Adjuster of machine tools and manipulators with program control 46. Pharmacist 47. Radiology technician degree 48. The collector of cases of metal vessels 49. Welder reinforcing meshes and frameworks 50. Fitter for the Assembly of metal structures 51. Fitter aircraft 52. Mechanic construction 53. Mechanic-repairers 54. The machine operator of woodworking machines 55. Sudokorpusnik repairman 56. Drilling technician 57. The technician on adjustment and tests of 58. Production technician 59. Turner 60. Turner-karuselschik 61. Turner-borer 62. Pipeliner ship 63. Pharmacist 64. Medical assistant-the laboratorian 65. Miller 66. Grinder 67. Elektrik plot 68. Electrician on cable networks 69. Electrician on illumination and lighting networks 70. Marine electrician 71. Electrician for repair of overhead power lines 72. Electrician for operation of distribution networks 73. The electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines 74. Electrician construction

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